Paper Trimmer, Adhesive and if other items are needed we will advise when we make the reminder call!
1st of 4 part Series - sign up for all four series for $15.00 each session, so that will put your 4th session free, how can you go wrong!!!
July 15th- First of a 4 Part series of classes 10-12 $20.00
In this class you will make 4 layouts and 4 cards with your scraps. You'll use Quickutz, patterned paper, cardstock, ribbons, punches Inks and sayings. Please bring if you desire at least 4-5 pictures for starters.

Series 1 class two layouts

Series 1 class 2 layouts

Series 1 class - 4 cards using scraps from layouts

July 1 and 8th - 10-12 $15.00
Celebrate the 4th of July with this Accordian book. One side is vertical and the oter side is horizontal. You can put one year on one side and another year on the other side. You will use the new Reminisce 4th of July Paper and Stickers, Stamps, Quickutz and some tags.

4th Of July Accordian album cover

Page 2/3 of 4th July Accoridan Album

Page 3/4 of 4th of July Accoridan Album

Cover of 4th of July Accordian Album - Vertical side

Page 2/3 of Vertical 4th of July Accoridan book

Page 3/4 of Vertical 4th of July Accordian Book

Page 4/5 of Vertical 4th of July Accordian book

Saturday June 17 - 10-12 $14.00
Create that special album for dear old dad, or create it for any occasion that you want! You will use Quickutz, fabric, jump rings, distressing inks, paper clips, clear stamps. Please bring 8 pictures or you can put pictures on at home!

Fathers Day Mini Album Cover

Fathers Day Mini Album pages 2/3

Fathers Day mini album page 3/4

Fathers Day Mini Album pages 4/5

Fathers Day Mini Album pages 5/6

Fathers Day mini Album pages 7/8

SUNDAY, APRIL 30 - ALBUM IN A DAY - 12-4 $30.00
Join Janell in this fantastic class, Album in a Day. Want to get a jump start on those albums for graduation, then join this class.
SUNDAY May 7 - Stencils CLass 1-3pm $12.00
Join Chris as she leads you in a wonderful class on stencils. You will create 4 cards plus 1 tag. Some of the great things you'll be learning to work with is the Accucut Machine and how to emboss, Paper Piercing, Molding Paste, brass stencils.


Sunday May 7 - Graduation Card Class - 1-3 $12.00
Join Chris as you join her in making 5 graduation cards with lots of new ideas and each one is uniquely different.
May 13 - Paper Bag ALbum - 10-12 - $15.00
Join Nicolle as she helps you create a paper bag album book in a holder. This book is very versatile and con be used for any gender or any occasion.
Paper Bag Class

May 20 - Graduation Cards - 10-12 - 10/$10.00
Join us for a 10/10. You will make 10 simple graduation cards that can be in your school colors. Please indicate what your school colors are.
SATURDAY May 21 - Mini Accoridan Book - 1-3 $20.00 w/Stamp
Join Nicole as you learn to use water colors and the misting techinque with some wonderful stamps. This would make a great gift for a wedding, mother's day or just because. You will create a mini accoridan book using watercolors, misting and some great Hero Arts stamps.

Want to learn some new techniques with your Quick Kutz? Join Nicle, the expert at the Quick Kutz tool. She will take you down a wonderful path of making borders, cards, tags and jounrnaling boxes with this wonderful tool. You will incorporate some of these into a layout.
Here are the samples for Quickutz Elements Class on Saturday April 29, from 10:00 - 12:00. I was a little pokey at getting these done, but I really had a blast putting them together and I hope you like them enough to sign up for the class. We are going to be using all kinds of new stuff from Quickutz and lots more!

Join Janell as she shares some wonderful ideas to create that lovable book for your pet. What would our life be like without a favorite pet. Capture those specials times in an accordian book, just for those little critters. Please specify if you want a cat or Dog album. Bring 6-8 photos.

Pet Accordian

Pet accordian

Pet Accoridian